AW: Kolab eating memory & CPU

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Mon Jan 31 19:14:41 CET 2005

On Saturday 29 January 2005 20:03, Martin Konold wrote:
> Am Freitag, 28. Januar 2005 03:14 schrieb Jim Philips:
> > Given that installation is entirely script driven, I would say that's
> > unlikely. Something got installed wrong. I don know what. I didn't change
> > the script except to prevent it from installing a new Openpkg, because
> > only the patched one works. So, anywhere to go from here?
> I think asking the OpenPKG people for help is probably best as the observed
> problem with the wrong user used to start the services is controlled by
> OpenPKG.

can you say where those permissions are set?

Jim: Can you give out access to a Slackware 10 installation
when the openpkg people cannot help you?
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