About CalDAV

Helge Hess helge.hess at opengroupware.org
Sat Jan 22 04:25:43 CET 2005

On 21. Jan 2005, at 22:16 Uhr, Joon Radley wrote:
> The Kolab XML format addresses the issue of interoperability

I don't see how it addresses this issue. Interoperability means that 
different clients can talk to different servers. The Kolab XML format 
only works between the two Kolab clients with the Kolab server.
So at least right now it doesn't help with interoperability at all, in 

> and not scalability. No format can really do that.

Yes, this is mostly unrelated to the format. It isn't unrelated to the 
protocol though. The latter becomes important if we are moving above 
the 10.000 users (its probably not relevant anymore on anything below 
on todays hardware).

> The server hardware, software running on the server and client access
> creates the scalability potential/problem. You cannot run 10000 active 
> users
> on a 486 with 100 MB disk space, no matter how good your format is. :)

Obviously. Actually I don't really care about the hardware being used, 
if you like, take the fastest server you have. You still can't show an 
actual setup which uses 10.000 active users together with the Kolab 
server and either the Outlook client or the Kolab resource with 

> As for 500 seats ... Yes, there are companies running 500 and more 
> users on
> Cyrus-IMAP, which is the heart of Kolab server, sharing calendars, 
> contact,
> tasks, etc.

As Martin mentions there are companies running tens of thousands of 
users against Cyrus for mail. But this isn't related to Kolab at all, 
since none of those setups run any of the Kolab clients with the 
additional functionality provided by Kolab, nor the Kolab specific 
server setup.


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