About CalDAV

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Fri Jan 14 11:19:05 CET 2005

On Wednesday 12 January 2005 00:30, Helge Hess wrote:
> On 9. Jan 2005, at 11:46 Uhr, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> >>> The cited URLs don't define a storage format but refer to iCalendar
> >>> and define
> >>> a transport / query mechanism.
> >>
> >> iCalendar _is_ the storage format for CalDAV.
> >
> > And I thought CalDAV was a protocol... [*]
> It is.
> >> There is the Calsify working group do work on that, its open, feel
> >> free
> >> to join! CalDAV choose to clean up the existing approach instead of
> >> throwing away all existing work and start something completely new.
> >
> > The Kolab project is also open and free to join,
> > it has decided on a different way of profiting from the existing work
> > and experiences than CalDAV and has a different aim.
> Yes, NIH is everywhere ;-)

Even at the Calsify work group? Godd to know... ;-)
> > [*]
> >
> >> a) CalDAV is not a database, its a protocol
> This doesn't contradict. The storage format of the protocol (that used
> in GET/PUT requests) is iCalendar. I suggest to read up on REST, but I
> rather think you don't care to understand it ;-)

Why shouldn't I? ;-)
I am interested in understanding the concepts
and it was nice to talk to you about this in person on the kde pim meeting
last weekend here in Osnabrück.

You explained to me that you _can_  use CalDAV to simply
store iCalendar objects on a lead server and that HTTP/WebDAV has
a lot of functionality to make this scalable in principle.
This is interesting, and we all have to wait until we see implementations
for this.

> How the data is actually stored inside the database is a matter of the
> implementation and will only be iCalendar for trivial servers.

This seems to be a difference in design philosophy: Kolab forces
people to do the processing on the client, while CalDAV only allows this.
There is a good chance that many implementations will use fat servers
and will build clients relying on those, too. 
As written above: We need to wait for more implementations of CalDAV
to see if this happends.

Best Regards,
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