Authenticate problem client to kolab2 server

Jos vd Snepscheut jos at
Wed Jan 5 23:15:06 CET 2005



First of all: Happy New Year!


After 3 day's I had Kolab2 - server up and running (on "server.domdesk", IP, I went into the web interface and configured a user :

First name: Jos

Last name: Snepscheut

Primary email: jos at server.domdesk

Password: test


Then I went into Kontact and set it up following the doc2.swx document (also
on server.domdesk)

Trying to make contact with the kolab-server I got an Authenticate failure
(setting up the email account I tried jos at server.domdesk, jos at and
I had the wizard to search what the server uses for verifying).


I also tried evolution and outlook 2003 in combination with the Toltec
plug-in. (also from an other computer targa.domdesk IP


But the problem did not solve by this.


Can you help me? What am I doing wrong? Where can I find more info.



Jos vd Snepscheut

jos at


The Netherlands.   




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