webclient password change utility

Aurélien Malo amalo at cerdd.org
Wed Jan 5 15:55:43 CET 2005

I've got exactly the same problem, when I change the password of a user with 
horde, after I can't use the kolab web interface for modifying it.

This is the error :
LDAP Error: Could not modify object cn=xxxxxxxxxxx,dc=xxxx,dc=xxx: Object 
class violation

This is my configuration :
- Debian 3.0
- Kolab 2 v20041201-full
- Horde cvs version from 20041221

Zack, have you find a solution ?

Thanks in advance

Le vendredi 17 Décembre 2004 01:53, Zachariah Mully a écrit :
	I've been playing around with the webclient and the passwd module. I
found that changing a password through this module breaks the Kolab web
admin interface's ability to change it as well. I noticed that by
default, the passwd module is configured to store the passwords in
plaintext. So after looking at how the Kolab web admin stores it (sha) I
changed the backends.php accordingly. Unfortunately even if the passwd
module stores the passwd with SHA, with the new password you're able to
login to the web admin, but you're not able to change the password from
the web admin. Here's the error:

[Thu Dec 16 19:47:28 2004] [error] PHP Warning:  ldap_modify(): Modify:
Object class violation in /kolab/var/kolab/www/admin/user/user.php on
line 555

LDAP Error: Could not modify object cn=xyz,dc=asdf,dc=com: Object class

This is on Debian stable, running Kolab2 v20041201-full and Horde HEAD. 

Aurélien Malo - amalo at cerdd.org
Cerdd - CEntre Ressource du Développement Durable

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