Kolab 1.0.14

Mark Saward msaward at bigpond.net.au
Sun Feb 27 12:06:19 CET 2005

On Fri, 2005-02-25 at 09:52 +0100, Martin Konold wrote:
> Am Freitag, 25. Februar 2005 06:23 schrieb Mark Saward:
> Hi Mark,
> > Here's the problem: I use the web admin page to add a new user.  The
> > user seems to be added correctly in every way, except no mailbox in
> > cyrus is made. 
> Hm,... is the kolab daemon running?

It should be.  I will check that.

> > What part of the kolab project is responsible for adding this?  What
> > might be points of failure I can examine?

Can you inform me of this please?  Is it a perl script, or some other
portion?  I would like to know the code responsible so I can do some
error checking myself.

> > - a user logs in to the web admin with their username and password (in
> > this case our usernames are in the format user at example.com).  They go to
> > vacation (My User Vacation Notification Setup), fill in their message,
> > and hit OK.  It takes about 30 seconds to load then I see a blank screen
> > except for a title 'My User Vacation Notification Setup'.  Is that
> > normal? 
> No.
> Is the sieve port enabled on the server?

Also, I will check this.

Mark Saward

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