Kolab2 and create new users
Axel Schmidat
axel.schmidat at lsg.nrw.de
Thu Feb 10 13:35:18 CET 2005
Andreas Gungl schrieb:
>Am Thursday, 10. February 2005 11:20 schrieb Axel Schmidat:
>>I´ve installed the last Kolab2-Server successfully at the first time.
>>Now I must create over 150 new users. It´s a hard and long work, if I
>>generate the new accounts over the kolab-web-admin. ;-)
>>Are there some migrations-tools or scripts, that I can do this
>man ldapsearch
>man ldapadd
>Use ldapsearch to extract the data for one user in LDIF format to get an
>idea how the data is composed.
>Prepare a new LDIF file containing the other accounts to be added and feed
>this via ldapadd into your server.
>ldapsearch -u -H ldap://<host>:389 -b dc=<xxx>,dc=<yy> -LLL -x \
>ldapadd -H ldap://<host>:389 -x -D cn=manager,cn=internal,dc=<xxx>,dc=<yy> \
>-w <passwd> -f <file>
>dn: cn=<cn>,dc=<dc>,dc=<dc>
>mail: <primary mail>
>uid: <uid>
>objectClass: top
>objectClass: inetOrgPerson
>objectClass: kolabInetOrgPerson
>sn: <sn>
>cn: <cn>
>givenName: <givenName>
>userPassword: <passwd>
>kolabHomeServer: <hostname>
>o: <o>
>street: <street>
>postalCode: <postalCode>
>l: <l>
>c: <c>
>telephoneNumber: <999-9999>
>facsimileTelephoneNumber: <999-9999>
>kolabInvitationPolicy: ACT_MANUAL
>cyrus-userquota: <MB>
>alias: <another email addresss>
>Kolab-users mailing list
>Kolab-users at kolab.org
thx, I´ve read, if I created a new user with kolab-admin, the mail-user
will be created, too.
I think, then I need thy cyrus-imap-tools like cyradm to create the
mail-users, isn`t it?
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