Kolab2 and Sunbird

Martin Konold martin.konold at erfrakon.de
Tue Feb 8 14:59:14 CET 2005

Am Dienstag, 8. Februar 2005 06:53 schrieb Stephan Buys:

Hi Stephan,

> What about a WebDAV frontend to Kolab?

This is possible. But needs further refinement as WebDAV only defines the very 
basic transport/locking and ACLs mechanisms.

Stuff like CalDAV seems to address this required refinement but CalDAV is 
still in early development and imho not the best approach to the problem.

For compatibility and migration reasons I can imagine though that we can in 
some future version consider to integrate CalDAV in the Kolab server.

-- martin

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e r f r a k o n - Stuttgart, Germany
Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker

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