AW: Kolab eating memory & CPU

Michael Harlaut m.harlaut at
Wed Feb 2 09:52:43 CET 2005


Jim Philips a écrit :

>Well, I found out a little more. Top showed that cyrman was taking up most of 
>the CPU. So finaaly I looked at /kolab/var/imapd/log. The logs there are 
>enormous! From master.log, I see this over and over again:
>Jan 23 08:57:43 localhost <debug> master[11611]: about to 
>exec /kolab/bin/imapd
>Jan 23 08:57:43 localhost <debug> master[21499]: process 11611 exited, status 
There is a serious issue with the way Kolab manage the log : Actually it 
doesn't manage them at all (no rotation, no compression). It lead some 
of the servers I use to crash with master.log of more than 2 Gb.

Move the logs, or flush them before doing more tests.

Anyway, this is something wich needs to be corrected before putting any 
Kolab2 server in production.

Michael Harlaut
Atol Conseils et Développements
21600 - Longvic

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