obmtool not executable in 2.0.1 version

Realos realos at loftmail.com
Thu Dec 22 16:13:20 CET 2005

> Bernhard Herzog wanted us to know:

>Realos <realos at loftmail.com> writes:
>> I just downloaded release 2.0.2 from following site
>> /mirrors/ftp.kolab.org/server/release/kolab-server-2.0.1/ix86-debian3.0
>> and noticed that obmtool file did not have execution bit set on it. I
>> just change that: sudo chmod u+x obmtool and proceeded.
>Which mirror?  

my-pc# wget http://max.kde.org:8080/mirrors/ftp.kolab.org/server/release/kolab-server-2.0.1/ix86-debian3.0/

>On the main server the executable flag is set on all
>obmtool files.  So either it's not set on the mirror you used or it got
>lost when you downloaded the files.

rsync with following options on main kolab server downloaded the file with correct settings.

my-pc# rsync -L -rtzvP rsync://rsync.kolab.org/kolab/server/development/current/ix86-debian3.0/obmtool



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