Send messages to shared folders (RESOLVED)

Bernhard Reiter bernhard.reiter at
Tue Dec 20 14:46:28 CET 2005

Am Montag, 19. Dezember 2005 12:02 schrieb Jose Figueras:
> Thank you for your quick answer.

You are welcome, the speed of my answers vary a lot,
because sometimes I am very busy with development, coordination
or paying support customers.

> El Domingo 18 Diciembre 2005 20:42, Bernhard Reiter escribió:

> > b) It does not have posting permissions.
> > Try setting anyone to "p" with cyradm.
> These are my results for your suggestion:
>         zeus2# /usr/local/kolab/bin/cyradm --user manager mail.mydomain.tld
>         zeus2.mydomain.tld> lam shared.d.gerencia at mydomain.tld
>         jose.figueras at mydomain.tld lrswipda

So "anyone" is missing as you later found out!

> It's OK invoke cyradm with my kolab fqdn (mail.mydomain.tld) and cyradm  
> answer with my system fqdn (zeus2.mydomain.tld)?

Yes, I guess so.
> It's OK obtain different permissions for shared folder user permissions 
> (lrswipda) that kolab user permissions (lrswipcda)?

Yes, in principle. 

Am Montag, 19. Dezember 2005 12:30 schrieb Jose Figueras:

> I discovered the source of my problem:
> 	To send mail to a shared folder you must add permissions to anonymous or
> anyone user of shared folder. I only added permissions for my kolab mail
> account and no one else.
> 	This is my working solution:
> 	1. include 'kolab kolab at mydomain.tld'
> on /kolab/etc/kolab/templatesvirtual.template file
> 	2. execute /kolab/sbin/kolabconf
> 	3. from webadmin, create the shared folder (p.e.
> 'd.gerencia at mydomain.tld') with 'Post' permission for 'anyone'

Nice, thanks for reporting back that this is finally resolved.
Please feel free to add a hint or two to the wiki!


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