Forwarding Error - Solved

Alex Chejlyk alex at
Sat Dec 10 07:04:51 CET 2005

Alex Chejlyk wrote:
> I've just installed Kolab 2.0.1 (release). The OS is a freshly 
> installed debian 3.1 system, and I used the debian packages from one 
> of the kolab download mirrors.
> .
> Everything seems OK, except for forwarding. When I attempt to set 
> forwarding, I get the following error:
> Not currently in TRANSACTION state
> Script was:
> require "fileinto";
> redirect "joe at";
> It does not look like Issue801, since everything has been entered in 
> lowercase. I also checked the kolabHomeServer LDAP attribute, and I 
> think it is set properly (
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Alex
The hosts file was causing the problem. The default debian hosts file 
places localhost and the machine name on the same line. I simply removed 
the mail server name from that line and created a second line with the 
system's ip address and the fqdn.
I rebooted, (just for kicks) and all is well.



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