Address book / Ldap problem

Matt Douhan matt at
Tue Aug 23 16:50:13 CEST 2005

On Tuesday 23 August 2005 15:35, Pierre DEVILLE wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem to connect the address book to my Kolab server via LDAP.
> I created 2 users in the Kolab's Web Interface. I can see all my
> objects with "ldapbrowser" (Java).
> The command "telnet 389" works well.
> I tried Outlook with KONSEC Konnector and Thunderbird with SyncKolab
> but, when i configure my address book, it's always empty.

The type of connector you use has nothing to do with the LDAP addressbook, in 
OL you need to add an LDAP service to get it working, and in KONTACT you add 
a ldap resource to kabc, I have never used thunderbird so I dunno what you 
need to do there, the KONSEC connector is for mapping the storage to the 
IMAP4 server, it means your folders that OL would normally only keep locally 
or on an exchange server is stored( mapped ) to the IMAP server.

The same applies for the Toltec connector, with one huge difference, toltec 
who makes the toltec connector also has an ldap client sw that makes life in 
OL land very nice with offline caps and things and you may want to look into 
that one.

Matt Douhan

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