/kolab/etc/apache/apache.conf overwritten

Markus Heller markus at relix.de
Fri Aug 12 16:39:02 CEST 2005

Dear All,

I need svn to run on my root server next to kolab. So I decided to switch the 
kolab apache port 80 off, by disabling the "listen" entry in the file 
After restarting the apache kolab I managed to bring the regulat debian 
apache2/svn up on port 80 and the two apaches were living peacefully next to 
each other. 

Unfortunately the kolab apache started a little war by rewriting its 
apache.conf: The old entry was restored!!! My modifications were saved in the 
file apache.conf.old, and since the apache2/svn was already living on port 
80, it failed to come up. 

Is this issue related to problem [issue847]? 

And some more questions: 
- Where can I make my modifications permanent?
- What is the reason for the rewriting of the config files?

Thanks ahead for your replies


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