KDE 3.4.2 + freebusy success?

Bernhard Herzog bh at intevation.de
Thu Aug 11 15:16:33 CEST 2005

Andreas Hasenack <andreas at conectiva.com.br> writes:

> My freebusy url is:
> https://server.kolab.conectiva/freebusy/joao%40kolab.conectiva.ifb
> (the user is joao at kolab.conectiva). I get the same error if I change the
> URL to use http:// instead of https://.

What happens when you try to access it with some other client?  E.g. a
web-browser or the curl that comes with kolab:

/kolab/bin/curl --cacert /kolab/etc/kolab/ca/cacert.pem https://server.kolab.conectiva/freebusy/joao%40kolab.conectiva.ifb


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