[Kolab-users] Installation fails on Debian-3.1

Bernhard Herzog bh at intevation.de
Thu Aug 11 12:16:54 CEST 2005

On Thu, Aug 11, 2005 at 10:54:22AM +0200, Sven Gehr wrote:
> > openpkg-2.2.3-2.2.3.ix86-debian3.1-kolab.sh was missing on the server.
> > I've uploaded it to the master server. It will take a while to
> > propagate to the mirrors.
> I was look on the mirror and there is this no available. Can you send me
> this file per pm?

Turns out I forgot a symlink, so it doesn't show up under the release
directory.  I've fixed that.  It's already available under the
development directory, though:



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