kolab2 cvs-checkout

Sven Gehr sven at dreampixel.de
Mon Aug 1 17:18:29 CEST 2005

Am Mo 01.08.2005 16:49 schrieb Jan-Oliver Wagner <jan at intevation.de>:

> > > no. You copy the binary rpm packages and run the installation
> > > routine
> > > as you did with the source packages.
> > > After you build and installed kolab, you will find the binary
> > > rpm under /kolab/RPM/PKG

> > slowly slowly please. I'm not a openPKG/kolab profi ;-)

> > 1. I download and build/install kolab on a ia32 machine?

> yes.

> > 2. I copy the files in /kolab/RPM/PKG/* from my ia32 system to my
> > amd64-system? In witch directory /kolabtemp ?

> or any other arbitrary directory except for /kolab

> > 3. What's the next step?

> execute the same commands as under 1.
> Hopefully the binary RPM are simply installed.
> If not, there must be some tricks I guess. Martin
> probably knows them because he recenctly mentioned on
> this list that he is running a 32 comilation on a 64 system.

My steps to build/install on the ia32-system:

- md kolab
- md kolabtemp
- cd kolabtemp
- wget -r -l1 -nd --no-parent \
- sh obmtool kolab
- /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_bootstrap -b

assumed i copy now the directory /kolab/RPM/PKG/* to the amd64-system in
the directory
and start the same steps on this machine. How can this find this

with best regards

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