Kolab2 on FC4 - Build Error

Kolab kolab at andrewsmith.plus.com
Mon Aug 1 13:56:21 CEST 2005

Hi All,

I'm trying to build Kolab2 on FC4 64-bit although the openpkg bootstrapping fails
when building (I think) the RPM package. Build log is at the end of this message.

I've seen other users of FC4 have had the same problem but no solution has been
found yet.

Whilst I'm not expecting a solution right away, I would like to work towards one.
However I have no idea where to start! First off, what is causing this error? Is
it because of GCC-4 like some have suggested? Or is it due to an incompatible
version of a library (glibc?) or what?

I have tried uninstalling gcc-4.0.0 and cpp-4.0.0 and replacing them with *.3.4.3
(from rpmfind.net, "FC3 Update" packages) and openpkg bootstraps ok, but the
build fails later when compiling the kolab GCC package  (iirc, something to do
with libc.so). Is this because my libc.so is built for/with gcc-4, not gcc-3?

Any guidence or suggestions would be much appreciated...

Thanks in advance,


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