need for screenshots

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Wed Apr 20 13:17:45 CEST 2005

is in a bad state.
We are in the need for good, cool and interesting screenshots
demonstrating the power of Kolab.

Then I could select them for that page.
       * Give everybody permission to use the screenshots.
       * Write down the version of  the software that can be seen (KDE, Kolab Server)
       * Somehow give them to me.  
           Method a) place them somewhere and mail the link to kolab-devel
           Method b) try putting them in the wiki
           Method c) email them to me after you asked me that you can

       * small descriptions of what can be seen
       * make the screenshot as small as possible
       * select a good subsection for a thumbnail
       * create the thumbnail.

Hey there are so many Kolab users out there...
I know it is just works and gets your tasks done.
That is what we want to show. :-)

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