kolab2 and horde problem

Andreas Gungl Andreas.Gungl at osp-dd.de
Tue Apr 19 14:26:38 CEST 2005

Markus Feilner schrieb:
> Is anybody currently working on the problem that kolab2 and horde don't work 
> together ? It's the SQL problem... 

There are indeed problems with Horde, but as reported in several 
messages in this list, it _does_ run with Kolab 2. You may want to 
search in the list archive as well as in bugs.horde.org or in the Kolab 
wiki for details about the problems.
(BTW, mail works pretty well in Horde, there is no need to use 
squirrelmail or other mai-only solutions. The problems are mainly 
related to events and contacts.)


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