kolab web admin page access

Fausto Zorzi - NetiX s.r.l. list_archive at netixitalia.it
Wed Sep 15 18:46:04 CEST 2004

Martin Konold wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 14. September 2004 12:00 schrieb Fausto Zorzi - NetiX s.r.l.:
> Hi,
>>To uninstall kolab, do I just have to remove the /kolab directory? 
> Yes, Kolab only modifies /kolab and puts users and groups into your system. 
>>also think I should do some cleanup operations with ldap, because when I
>>do the install and build from scratch it says it can write some lines.
>>Can you please help me?
> Please post a complete log from your bootstrapping attempt.

Do I have to completely remove the previous installation of Apache?
I changed the conf of the previous Apache, so that it listens on port
81. Isn't that enough?

However I tried a new installation, stopped the previous Apache before

After stopping kolab with: /kolab/bin/openpkg rc all stop , removing the
  /kolab directory and reboot, I started the installation from the

Even if at the beginning the Kolab Apache wasn't starting, after
stopping and starting again just Apache (/kolab/etc/rc apache stop,
/kolab/etc/rc apache start) it worked, and know I can
access https://host.domain.lan/admin correctly.

About postfix, I just had to uninstall sendmail, that was using the same 
port 25.

Now I'm trying to make it work with Aethera (for Windows). Can I post 
questions about Aethera and Kolab here or does a specific mailing list 
for that exist?

Thank you

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