kolab web admin page access
Fausto Zorzi - NetiX s.r.l.
list_archive at netixitalia.it
Tue Sep 14 12:00:08 CEST 2004
Hi, I have just installed ZfOS kolab-20040503-2.1.0 on my Fedora Core 2,
using obmtool.
The build and install seem to have worked, except it complains postfix
is not running... However, I was trying to access the admin page through
https://[hostname]/admin: I get the login access dialog, I insert as
username and password "manager" and the password it asked me during the
installation (the same I can find in /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab.conf in the
bind_pw entry), but it didn't work.
I tried to check the Apache conf file /kolab/etc/apache/apache.conf and
in the block of code about the /admin/ directory I have this:
<Directory "/kolab/var/kolab/www/admin">
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AuthName "Kolab Admin Area"
AuthType Basic
LDAP_Port 389
# temporary : openldap changed from 2.1.9 to 2.1.12
# anonymous bind with dn is nolonger allowed
# unfortunately mod_auth_ldap seems to exactly do so
# need to investigate ...
Bind_DN "cn=nobody,dc=host,dc=domain,dc=lan"
Bind_Pass "epW2rM.lhuxxo"
Base_DN "dc=host,dc=domain,dc=lan"
UID_Attr uid
require valid-user
Then I tried to change the Bind_DN entry with cn=manager and the plain
manager's password in Bind_Pass: I can get in, but not as administrator,
just as plain user, or at least I don't see links to the administrators'
functions. It also writes on the page "could not bind anonymously" more
than once.
In /etc/var/apache/log/apache-error.log I have the following:
[Tue Sep 14 11:54:36 2004] [error] PHP Warning: ldap_bind(): Unable to
bind to
server: Invalid credentials in
p on line 90
[Tue Sep 14 11:54:36 2004] [error] PHP Warning: ldap_bind(): Unable to
bind to
server: Invalid credentials in
p on line 90
[Tue Sep 14 11:54:36 2004] [error] PHP Warning: ldap_bind(): Unable to
bind to
server: Invalid credentials in
p on line 64
[Tue Sep 14 11:54:36 2004] [error] PHP Warning: ldap_bind(): Unable to
bind to
server: Invalid credentials in
p on line 90
[Tue Sep 14 11:54:36 2004] [error] PHP Warning: ldap_bind(): Unable to
bind to
server: Invalid credentials in
p on line 44
[Tue Sep 14 11:54:36 2004] [error] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: cn
in /kola
b/var/kolab/www/admin/include/ldap_utils.php on line 56
[Tue Sep 14 11:54:36 2004] [error] PHP Warning: ldap_bind(): Unable to
bind to
server: Invalid credentials in
p on line 21
[Tue Sep 14 11:54:36 2004] [error] [client] File does not
Moreover, is there a way to check what went wrong with postfix?
To uninstall kolab, do I just have to remove the /kolab directory? I
also think I should do some cleanup operations with ldap, because when I
do the install and build from scratch it says it can write some lines.
Can you please help me?
Thank you in advance
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