No connection to the kolab admin page with the browser

Sorgenfrei Werner werner.sorgenfrei at
Mon Sep 13 10:46:35 CEST 2004


I installed the development-version of kolab2, version 20040809-full 
(including the changes 20040813- and 20040817-) on Suse9.1 Prof
The installation was successfully, also the bootstrapping seems to work 

But as I try to connect to the Server for configuration with 
"https://[myhost]/admin" the browser returns no connection error
In the apache.conf file I found a line like

This seems to mean, that only localhost can connect to the apache server. So I 
changed this line manually to 
Listen 80

After the restart with "/etc/init.d/kolab start" I checked it with netstat:
tcp	0	LISTEN

I got the same error with "https://[myhost]/admin", but "http://[myhost]" 
returns the apache test page....

Has anybody an idea, what's wrong? Why seems the apache.conf file to be wrong 
after bootstrapping?

  Werner Sorgenfrei

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