Kolab-2 rejected messages

Morten Christensen mckalender at tiscali.dk
Thu Sep 9 21:21:08 CEST 2004

Morten Christensen wrote:

> Bernhard Reiter wrote:
>> On Wednesday 08 September 2004 21:32, Morten Christensen wrote: 
>>> I have the imperession from other mails on the list, that it is a
>>> problem, when the special packages for Debian 3.0 is installed on 
>>> Debian
>>> Sarge.   
>> Then you could just use the sources and rebuild to be sure.
> As you can see from other mails on these lists you can not just 
> rebuild from sources on Debian Sarge.
> Installing package g++ and fixing 2 "bugs?" in obmtool.conf was not 
> enough for me. After 2 hours it ended with

Success with 20040908 :-))).

I downloaded all sources-packages of 20040908, ran "./obmtool kolab", 
"kolab_bootstrap -b",  "openpkg rc all start" and configured on the 
services web-page.

Entries on the services-page in no time showed up in postfix/main.cf. 
Glad to se a field for my isp's relayhost - I cannot get mails out of 
house without that.

Morten Christensen

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