Kolab-2 rejected messages

Morten Christensen mckalender at tiscali.dk
Sun Sep 5 22:11:38 CEST 2004

Matt Douhan wrote:

>On Sunday 05 September 2004 21.35, Morten Christensen wrote:
>>Matt Douhan wrote:
>>I downloaded all packages from ftp.kolab.org, 20040817, debian3.0, ran
>>"./ombtool kolab",
>>then downloaded all packages from ftp.kolab.org,
>>20040901-since-20040817, debian3.0, ran "./ombtool kolab",
>>then "kolab_bootstrap -b".
>That is very different from how I install our FreeBSD boxes, I simply download 
>the files from th 
>http://www.fruitsalad.org/kolab/srvr/dvlopmnt/current/sources directory and 
>run obmtool kolab
>But debian may be different, you really ned someone who speaks debian to help 

I do not think it is a large difference. I use the debian-packages and 
not sources. I had to update from 040817, because 040901 had an error a 
couple of days ago.

Is it correct to run ombtool and bootstrap as root ?

Morten Christensen

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