Kolab-2 rejected messages

Morten Christensen mckalender at tiscali.dk
Sun Sep 5 21:35:28 CEST 2004

Matt Douhan wrote:

>On Sunday 05 September 2004 21.16, Morten Christensen wrote:
>>I can heart harddisk-activity, when I click on Update, but there is no
>>change in
>>Btw. the postfix.log has a lot of lines with warnings that postfix's
>>config-files is not owned by root.
>exactly how did you install kolab ?
>please give exact commands and exec 'd as what user

I have made about 3 installs in the last week, so I cannot remember all 

I downloaded all packages from ftp.kolab.org, 20040817, debian3.0, ran 
"./ombtool kolab",
then downloaded all packages from ftp.kolab.org, 
20040901-since-20040817, debian3.0, ran "./ombtool kolab",
then "kolab_bootstrap -b".

All done as root.

Morten Christensen

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