Kolab-2 rejected messages

Morten Christensen mc at mc.cx
Sun Sep 5 20:23:36 CEST 2004

Matt Douhan wrote:

>On Sunday 05 September 2004 19.54, Bradley M Alexander wrote:
>>Regardless of the sender, they are being rejected, whether from internal or
>>Internet email addresses.
>>What should I tweak to get this to accept emails?
>>Also, what is the right (kolab) way to make changes to the postfix main.cf?
>with kolab2 you need to tell it to allow unauth'd connections, it can be found 
>on the services web admin page, did you select that clickbox to allow this?

As mentioned on the devel-list, I cannot find the way to get postfix to 
use click's on the services-web-admin-page.

Can you tell me, which config file, the services-page writes to, and how 
the change ends in postfix's main.cf ?

Morten Christensen

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