apache misconfiguration for webdav

Luca Villani luca.villani at wseurope.com
Fri Oct 29 12:26:42 CEST 2004

Hi all.

First, I'm afraid my english is very poor, I'm sorry... :-(

I'm running a zfos installation on a fedora core 2.

This server also serve some directory via webdav (manually configured 
in /kolab/etc/kolab/httpd.conf.template), but all my users are not able to 
rename a file.

Google is my friend, I found an explanation: webdav can't work properly in 
renaming files/directory if apache is not configured with an appropriate 
ServerName directive, both in plain and ssl virtualhosts configuration, it 
simply respond with a 502 (Bad Gateway) error code.

A simple explanation can be find on


Resolving this problem was easy: I simply put two correct ServerName 
directives in httpd.conf.template, both for plain and ssl sections.

Hope this help...

Luca Villani                Wireless Solutions spa - DADA group
NOC manager                 Europe HQ, via Castiglione 25 Bologna
http://www.wseurope.com     Tel: +39 051 2966826    Fax: +39 051 2966800
GPG public key available    Mobile: +39 348 5298542 UIN: 76272621

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