Delete shared folders on kolab 1

Stephan Buys list at
Thu Oct 28 15:31:02 CEST 2004


On Wednesday 27 October 2004 17:04, darkalia wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm still on my shared contact and calendar and I have some problems to 
> delete shared folders on kolab 1.
> I'm on a debian sarge, but I don't think it causes any problem.
> When I want to delete one, I have a page which indicate a successfull 
> manipulation, but if I reconnect on web interface, it is still there.
> How can I definitely erase this folder ?
Use a LDAP client to delete the folder definition out of LDAP.

Then use the cyradm utility to delete the shared folder from Cyrus...

> An other problem is the UID of this folder : waht must I put in this field ?
The email address of a user that should have access to the shared folder...

> Regards,

Stephan  Buys
Code Fusion cc.
Tel: +27 11 673 0411
Mobile: +27 83 294 1876
Email: s.buys at

E-mail Solutions, Kolab Specialists.

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