Question about Kolab XML Format

Gustavo Michels gustavo.michels at
Sun Oct 17 21:21:51 CEST 2004

Hi Martin

Em Sunday 17 October 2004 13:02, Martin Konold escreveu:
> Which version of Exchange are you using?

Exchange Server 2000 Enterprise (V6.0.4417.0), default install, no service 
packs applied.

> This is interesting. I did not know about Exchange offering to extract
> the calendar data as iCal.
> Can you provide me with the scripts used?

I used a perl script called, available at, and I 
dump the calendar folder with this command line: -host exchange -user username -password password -backup 
-savedir /path/to/dir

I modified the script to download only the Calendar folder, by default it 
will download the entire mailbox.

BTW I created a python script which is converting the dumped email 
(calendar) messages to another email message with the encapsulated kolab 
xml attachment. Can I simply upload them to cyrus imap and expect them to 
be recognized by the clients?


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