Toltec and share folders

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Fri Oct 15 14:28:57 CEST 2004

On Friday 15 October 2004 14:15, Stephen Hind wrote:
> I think this is incorrect: Joon Radley told me you cannot see shared
> folders created in the Admin webpage as Kolab does not generate the hidden
> Toltec message, which the connector needs , to  see the folder; the
> connector silently ignores these shared folders.

It depends on the verson of Toltec.
Kolab1 does not support "shared folders" in that sense.

Kolab2 with Toltec 2.x will do this.

> If you know of a way to make these folders visible to the Toltec Connector
> please let me know as I lack this functionality.
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