add new user

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Fri Oct 15 11:42:50 CEST 2004

On Thursday 14 October 2004 09:50, nimrod cohen wrote:
> i install kolab-1.0.14-20031126 on redhat 9
> new user are add by the admin web .. ok
> when I try to connect by pop3 or imap ..i get error
> (I'm using the user at Method)
> only after adding a user directly to the ldap server
> (user by the same name as with the admin web but without
> the domain )I could log in ..

If you add it via the adminweb, it should be in the ldap,
which you can verify as root with slapcat.
However something seems to be wrong.
It is hard to say what.
We actually recommend trying the Kolab2 Server
if you are doing a fresh installation as we do not 
have many developers that help with the old Kolab1 Server
to fully maintain it as a seperate line.
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