Strange behavior of proko2

Till Adam adam at
Thu Oct 14 08:43:17 CEST 2004

On Wednesday 13 October 2004 13:41, Martin Konold wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 13. Oktober 2004 13:05 schrieb Stefan:

> > Deleted one single message and synced again.
> Fine!
> > The error message appears and all messages in that folder are deleted (in
> > dimap cache and in the imapd repository
> This shall never happen.
> Till: Can you provide us with a hint?

Yes, if Stefan sends me, as I've already asked him in personal mail when he 
described the problem to me, the KMail debug output and the relevant section 
of the ~/.xsession-errors, so that I have a chance to interpret the imap 
slave interaction with the server. Stefan is that possible?

Just for completeness, I can not reproduce the problem with any of my 

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