Strange behavior of proko2

Stefan stefan at
Wed Oct 13 13:58:23 CEST 2004

> > Then I started kontact to switch from xml to vcal/ical and configured
> Why? The XML Format is the official Kolab2 format!
I think my version of kolab is to old, to have "XML-Support"
But maybe I'm wrong!
I even don't know a good way to upgrade my kolab instance (downloading, 
compiling all from scratch???)

> > I've copied some messages into the INBOX
> How?
Within kolab, from an Mail-Dir an my harddisk!
When I send a mail to the test-user and delete this mail, the error message 
appears, too.

> This shall never happen.
> Till: Can you provide us with a hint?

Again: It's running fine on the other machine! Shall I simply copy the working 
system onto my broken office-configuration?
I don't want to stress Till with a potential broken Linux system!


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