Thesis about Kolab (in German)

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Wed Oct 6 17:01:34 CEST 2004

Magnus Stoermer <magnus dot stoermer a.t gmx dot de> has written
a thesis about Kolab (in German). 
As it is under a free documentation license,
I decided to publish it in the contrib section of
(Though I haven't read it yet, but there is no reason to make
my high reading stack preventing you from reading it. ;)

Readme attached, best is to catch it from the mirrors.

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A diplom thetis by Magnus Stoermer <magnus dot stoermer a.t gmx dot de>.
It is about the Kolab as Free Software groupware solution.

Language: German

License: Free Documentation under Creative Commons License by Attribution
	(As can be seen in the source, pdf still has by-sa.)
Source: kolab_umlaute_source.tar.gz
	(LaTex source under the CC "by" license 
	This version has messed up umlauts and does not build out of the box.)

This is a work independent from the Kolab Project,
we only publish it.
20041006 Bernhard Reiter <bernhard at>
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