fetchmail --> postfix --> cyrus

Lindner lindner_marek at yahoo.de
Tue Oct 5 15:19:20 CEST 2004

Marc Ledermann wrote:

>Hello list,
>I have problems in getting fetchmail deliver successfully into kolab
>environment. my postfix log says: "status=bounced (host
>/kolab/var/kolab/lmtp[/kolab/var/kolab/lmtp] said: 554 5.6.0 Message
>contains invalid header (in reply to end of DATA command))".
>afaik its a cyrus prob then.
>Has anyone a working fetchmail? Could you post your fetchmailrc
>please? Did you have to change anything else?


set postmaster "root"
poll your_pop3_server with proto pop3
   user "your_email_adress" there with password "your_password" is 
your_username at your_kolab_server options fetchall

Though I have to admit that I have two servers in use: 
fetchmail_on_server1 --> postfix_on_server1 --> postfix_on_server2 
(kolab) -> cyrus_on_server2 (kolab).

Hope it's helps,

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