
Michael Harlaut m.harlaut at atolcd.com
Tue Nov 30 13:41:49 CET 2004


Andreas Gungl a écrit :

>Another guess: If you switched from older Horde sources (in my case 
>17.10.2004) to newer ones (in my case snapshots from yesterday), you have 
>to delete the whole horde directory to do a new, clean Horde installation.
There was directories change in the horde CVS.
This is not necessary to remove the whole directory to update. You only 
need to do a "cvs update -Pd" to ask cvs for pruning deleted directories 
and creating new one.

It can helps next time :)

Michael Harlaut
Système et réseaux - Logiciels libres

Atol Conseils et Développements
3 Bd Eiffel - 21600 Longvic
(33) 3 80 68 81 68

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