kael ubi.quito.us.kael at gmail.com
Tue Nov 16 22:56:15 CET 2004

Hello Berhnard, Hello All,

Bernhard Reiter wrote very clearly:

> A regular Kolab client should have the base dn of the server
> and no bind dn (and thus no password).
> You can see the base dn of your Kolab2 server when
> bootstrapping. Usually it is something like:
> dc=your,dc=maildomain
> e.g.  dc=kolab,dc=org

Thank you very much. It works and it *rocks*.  :-)  It is very fast (ok,
it's localhost) compared to <ldap://axentra.net>.

I need to buy a dedicated server for Kolab - private and highly secured
- and to master the security and connectivity stuffs - I got to find a
way to stay absolutely invisible on the Net and allow only my friends
and me to connect to the server.

> If you forgot about it, check /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab.conf.

Thanks a lot for your help.


I understand better how Linux works now - I just need to read. :o)

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