mailing list for kolab

Stephan Buys list at
Tue Nov 9 07:42:39 CET 2004

Hi Lucas,

The best way to do this is do use the virtual rewrite functionality of Postfix.

In the file look for the line starting with:
virtual_maps = 

On this line add an entry hash:/kolab/etc/postfix/mailinglists

It should then look something like:
virtual_maps = hash:/kolab/etc/postfix/mailinglists,hash:/kolab/etc/postfix/virtual,...

Then execute:
/kolab/sbin/postmap /kolab/etc/postfix/mailinglists


Now consult: man (8) virtual 

For the format of the /kolab/etc/postfix/mailinglists file.

Note that after each change you need to run the postmap utility again and issue:
/kolab/sbin/postfix reload

If you want to create a mailinglist for all your users on the system you could create
a little bash script or perl script that pulls all the mail addresses from LDAP and
dumps them in the mailinglists file.

Otherwise if you want to manually maintain the file here is a short example:

allusers at mydomain
  user1 at mydomain
  user2 at mydomain

Note that the first entry allusers at mydomain is the key/lookup value and that the
rest of the line is what Postfix expands that value to. A line in postfix is continued
on the next line if that line starts with whitespace.

Just shout on the list if you want assistance creating a script to auto-create the
mailinglists file for all users...

Stephan Buys

On Tuesday 09 November 2004 07:04, lucas at wrote:
> my kolab server works fine with toltec connector. I am able to see the Global
> address book but my main interest is how can i have send an e-mail to one
> address e.g allstaff at and all my users in the Global address book  will
> receive the e-mail.
> Lucas.
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Stephan  Buys
Code Fusion cc.
Tel: +27 11 673 0411
Mobile: +27 83 294 1876
Email: s.buys at

E-mail Solutions, Kolab Specialists.

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