Kolab & Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0

Stephan Buys list at codefusion.co.za
Mon May 24 16:18:20 CEST 2004

Hi Denis,

To me it looks like you have operating system configuration problems. Seems like
the machine cannot determine its own hostname.

Please check your DNS, /etc/hosts, etc. to make sure everything starts properly.

Check that you get the right names when you execute: #hostname (and #hostname -f)

This could also affect fetchmail as it might be trying to deliver to a domain and it cannot
determine where it's Mail eXchanger is. (check what happens if you do a #dig in mx yourdomain.tld
, this should return the correct host for fetchmail - depending on how you configured fetchmail)

Kind regards,

On Monday 24 May 2004 16:08, Denis Croombs wrote:
> > > I am having great trouble getting Kolab to run on Red Hat Enterprise
> > > Linux 3.0, I have tried ZFOS (bin version for RHel3) and from
> > > source(using the QIM), ...
> > >
> > what exactly is the problem - install, build, setup, starting up the
> > daemons, logging into the web admin interface ... ?
> >
> I main problems have been with the system accepting mail downloaded using
> "Fetchmail",
> http://intevation.de/pipermail/kolab-users/2004-May/000387.html
> http://intevation.de/pipermail/kolab-users/2004-May/000403.html
> http://intevation.de/pipermail/kolab-users/2004-May/000397.html
> http://intevation.de/pipermail/kolab-users/2004-May/000416.html
> http://intevation.de/pipermail/kolab-users/2004-May/000399.html
> http://intevation.de/pipermail/kolab-users/2004-May/000390.html
> I got Outlook to work with th TOLTEC connector and POP3/SMTP at one point,
> but in trying to sort the fetchmail I have now had to start again.
> I have since then have tried re-installing kolab again both using ZFOS &
> source and am about to do a ZFOS install again (after 1 week I may just have
> to give up after this one)
> I have installed MANY e-mail servers with POP3/SMTP before with no major
> problems, but KOLAB has me stumped, I think I MUST be missing something
> along the way or it just does not Like Red Hat Enterprise !
> one transcript follwoing 1 re-install is below:-
> [root at rdcredits root]# /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_bootstrap -b
> Please enter Hostname [rdcredits]:office.testsite.co.uk
> proceeding with Hostname office.testsite.co.uk
> Please enter your Maildomain [testsite.co.uk]:
> proceeding with Maildomain testsite.co.uk
> prepare LDAP database...
> kill running slapd (if any)
> OpenPKG: stop: openldap.
> OpenPKG: stop: openldap.
> temporarily start slapd
> no dc=office,dc=testsite,dc=co,dc=uk object found, creating one
> no kolab config object in ldap, generating a reasonable default
> mynetworkinterfaces:,,
> LDAP setup finished
> Create initial config files for postfix, apache, proftpd, cyrus imap,
> saslauthd
>  running /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab -v -o -lldap://
> NOTE: USE OF THIS SCRIPT IS DEPRECATED. Please use `/kolab/sbin/kolabconf'
> in the future.
> kolabconf - Kolab Configuration Generator
>   Copyright (c) 2003  Code Fusion cc
>   Copyright (c) 2003  Tassilo Erlewein, Martin Konold, Achim Frank
> This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
> OpenPKG: restart: openldap.
> /kolab/sbin/apachectl graceful: httpd not running, trying to start
> [Mon May 24 09:25:48 2004] [alert] apache: Could not determine the server's
> fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
> /kolab/sbin/apachectl graceful: httpd could not be started
> postfix/postfix-script: refreshing the Postfix mail system
> OpenPKG: restart: imapd.
> OpenPKG: stop: proftpd.
> kill temporary slapd
> OpenPKG: stop: openldap.
> generate self-signed certificate for hostname office.testsite.co.uk... done
> New certificate has been installed under /kolab/etc/kolab/
> kolab should now be ready to run
> please run '/kolab/etc/rc all start'
> [root at rdcredits root]# /kolab/etc/rc all start
> OpenPKG: start: openldap, sasl, apache:FAILED
> openpkg:rc:WARNING: /kolab:apache:%start: failed with return code 1
> +----Log:--------------------------------------------------------------
> | [Mon May 24 09:26:28 2004] [alert] apache: Could not determine the
> server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
> | /tmp/rc-20040524092627-8476/rc.tmp: line 137: return: can only `return'
> from a function or sourced script
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------
> OpenPKG: start: imapd, openpkg, postfix, proftpd:FAILED
> openpkg:rc:WARNING: /kolab:proftpd:%start: failed with return code 1
> +----Log:--------------------------------------------------------------
> |  - getaddrinfo 'rdcredits' error: Name or service not known
> |  - error: unable to determine IP address of 'rdcredits'
> |  - error: no valid servers configured
> |  - Fatal: error processing configuration file
> '/kolab/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf'
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------
> OpenPKG: start: kolab.
> Thanks
> Denis
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.687 / Virus Database: 448 - Release Date: 16/05/2004

Stephan  Buys
Code Fusion cc.
Tel: +27 11 391 1412
Mobile: +27 83 294 1876
Email: s.buys at codefusion.co.za

E-mail Solutions, Kolab Specialists.

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