imap mailbox problem, postfix can't deliver

steve geinitz geinitz at
Wed May 12 20:52:52 CEST 2004

hello, i'm having some problems with accepting
messages for users.  i'm getting this error in the
postfix logs:

  May 12 12:34:17 <info> 
  postfix/lmtp[15756]: D9BE432403A: 
  to=<test3 at>, 
  delay=0, status=bounced (host 
  /kolab/var/kolab/lmtp[/kolab/var/kolab/lmtp] said: 
  550-Mailbox unknown.  Either there is no mailbox 
  associated with this 550-name or you do not have 
  authorization to see it. 550 5.1.1 User unknown (in 
  reply to RCPT TO command))

i've already seen and tried this,,
message in the archives but it still does not work. 
whenever i add a user i don't see anything in
/kolab/var/imapd/spool, which is where
/kolab/etc/imapd/imapd.conf says the mailboxes should
be.  so i am wondering how to manually create a
mailbox  with cyradm.  i've tried several times and it
i still get the same error in the postfix logs.  i've
tried adding the user as:> createmailbox test3
and i've tried
createmailbox 'test3 at'
createmailbox 'user.testt3 at'
and a few other ways.  is this the right way to do it?
any help is appreciated, thx.  


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