kolab on slackware 9.1

Steffen Hansen steffen at klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se
Mon Jun 7 17:42:22 CEST 2004

On Monday 07 June 2004 17:24, Gustavo Michels wrote:
> Hi
> Sorry to use the thread, but I am interested in using the latest code
> available. I am using gentoo and used the binaries available at
> zfos.org.
> So to build tha latest kolab I just need to fetch the current sources
> available at the server you said below [1] and run 'sh obmtool kolab'
> to build and setup everything, just like I did with the binaries?
> [1] http://ftp.kolab.org/kolab/server/development/current/sources/

yes, that's basically it. Quick install instructions:

1) First download sources or binaries
2) ./obmtool kolab
3) Now stop any services on the machine that can interfer with Kolab
4) /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_bootstrap -b
5) /kolab/bin/openpkg rc all start

Done. Please keep in mind that Kolab-2.0 is work in progress so dont 
expect production quality...

Steffen Hansen          |       Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
Senior Software Engineer|       http://www.klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se
                        |       Platform-independent
                        |       software solutions

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