lmtp not working

Bradley Alexander storm at tux.org
Thu Jul 8 13:33:47 CEST 2004

Hash: SHA1

Thanks Stephan,

I ended up coming home and rebooting the mail server. Sort of a Windows-like, 
draconian step, but it worked. (Especially when I realized that I couldn't 
check for responses to this query...:)

I will file that away for future use.

On Wednesday 07 July 2004 11:40, Stephan Buys wrote:
> We have had this problem a couple of times. It is related to the sleepcat
> databases of Cyrus becoming corrupt... (or locked or something ;-)
> Here is the fix that has always worked for us:
> #su - kolab-r
> $ctl_cyrusdb -rx
> #logout
> (Restart Kolab)
> Of course I recommend checking the manual page of ctl_cyrusdb if you want
> to know what you are doing :-)
> Kind regards,

- -- 
- --Brad
Bradley M. Alexander                |
SysAdmin, Security Engineer    |   storm [at] tux.org
Debian/GNU Linux Developer          |   storm [at] debian.org
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