cannot install webclient?

Stephan Buys list at
Fri Jul 2 08:33:37 CEST 2004

Stuart mentions the opa script, you should install and run this when doing the
steps in the Web Client install, or type in: #eval `/kolab/etc/rc --eval all env`

All the commands he specifies in the HOWTO assumes that your environment
is set up correctly, which is done by the above mentioned commands. For
example, running this command adds /kolab/bin/ to the start of your $PATH.


On Friday 02 July 2004 01:16, Tom Hibbert wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I'm trying to install the Webclient on a Kolab system running on Debian Woody.
> I followed the instructions on, but when I go to
> # pear install pear/HTTP_WebDAV_Client/package.xml  I have no such program.
> Is there an additional package required that is not listed in this guide?
> Thanks
> Tom Hibbert
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Stephan  Buys
Code Fusion cc.
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