squirrelmail as webmail

Martin Konold martin.konold at erfrakon.de
Wed Dec 1 08:46:55 CET 2004

Am Donnerstag, 25. November 2004 13:58 schrieb lucas at swiftkenya.com:


> i am interested in installing squirrelmail as my webclient becoz everybody
> within the is accustomed to it

Using squirrelmail is fine for email. As soon as you intend to use the Kolab 
groupware features you need the Kolab Webclient which happens to use HORDE 
IMP for email.

> , but i have a problem kolab installs its own 
> apache plus configuration does any one know how i can go around apache in
> kolab and install virtualhosts and directory aliases.

Basically you must edit the httpd.conf.template file according to your 

-- martin

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