clamav error

Michael Harlaut m.harlaut at
Fri Dec 3 12:09:35 CET 2004


lucas at a écrit :

>i have installed antivirus but i keep on getting the following error "Can't
>connect to UNIX socket /var/run/clamav/clamd: Connection refused "
>i run amavisd and clamav. what could be the problem
I suppose you are using Kolab1.
I remember this is a perhaps a permission related issue (your log is a 
little "light" ...)
Amavis and ClamAV aren't in the same group by default.

Two solutions :
- Run ClamAV and Amavis by using the same user.
- Add clamav user to the amavis group in /etc/group.

For example : amavis:x:107:clamav

Hope this helps

Michael Harlaut
Système et réseaux - Logiciels libres

Atol Conseils et Développements
3 Bd Eiffel - 21600 Longvic
(33) 3 80 68 81 68 

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