Kolab 2 or 1?

Markus Mohr m.mohr at ro-ber.de
Thu Aug 19 12:37:40 CEST 2004

(this is a repost from the forum - I got no answer there)


I'm currently evaluating Kolab for our company and I'm wondering if I should
start with Kolab 2 or stick with 1?

How far is it? Is it usable? I can live with missing features, but I need
some sort of stability in the basic functions (that is mainly the mailserver
here, because that is what is replaced).
Other functions would be nice, but I can wait for them.

In one sentence: do I have a fully functional IMAP-mailserver if I start now
with Kolab 2?

thanks for your help
Markus Mohr

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