Sieve filter scripts with Kolab (was Re: hello)

Andreas Gungl Andreas.Gungl at
Fri Apr 30 09:29:18 CEST 2004

On Friday 30 April 2004 02:39, Martin Honermeyer wrote:
> I am getting this on a pretty new Kolab ZFOS install:
> > /kolab/bin/sieveshell

Sorry, I can't help here. I'm using a Kolab 1.0.8 system in production and 
don't want to experiment with ZFOS. The upgrade path is not really clear, 
and I definitely don't want to install MySQL on that machine.

BTW, on my desktop machine (SuSE 8.2) I've installed the IMAP rpm. I don't 
use the IMAP server, but the package contains sieveshell too. So I run 
sieveshell from my dektop machine. As your users usually won't work 
directly on the server to install new scripts, you need such an alternative 


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