Why OpenPKG

Richard Bos radoeka at xs4all.nl
Mon Apr 26 20:55:40 CEST 2004

Op maandag 26 april 2004 20:35, schreef Bernhard Reiter:
> > > So it is okay if we get more native packaging efforts,
> > > but the testing and developing community needs to grow to support those
> > > "ports".
> >
> > Should this be an 'issue' in the kolab tracker as well?
> Hmmm I think I'm missing the point here.
> What would the core of the issue?

The issue would be to add support (via variables and such) to make it easier 
to integrate kolab in distribution using the subsystems (apache, openldap) 
that come with the distribution.  I think that a article in the support forum 
might be a better place to discuss this.

Richard Bos
Without a home the journey is endless

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