Newbie installation issue: no /kolab/RPM/SRC/PACKAGE directory

Mitsu Hadeishi mitsu at
Mon Apr 26 16:19:27 CEST 2004


A newbie question.

I decided to try to install Kolab on my Debian-based laptop first (Xandros 
Desktop 2.0).  I downloaded the Kolab server files from

and began to follow the directions in the QIM.  I set the various LC_ALL, etc. 
environment variables, executed the bootstrap openpkg shell script, which 
completed without evident errors, then executed the bootstrap install shell 
script as root, as per the directions. I did su kolab, set the PATH 
to /kolab/bin, etc., then ran rpm -ihv *.src.rpm.

The scripts created a user kolab, group kolab, and a /kolab directory filled 
with various files.

Now is where I get stuck.  The directions say to cd /kolab/RPM/SRC/PACKAGE ... 
there is no /kolab/RPM/SRC/PACKAGE.  There is no PACKAGE.spec file.

What do I do next?  Should I download the "testing" version?


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